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The Intrusive Ass – Any management lesson here?

The Intrusive Ass – Any management lesson here?

In a village there was a washerman named Pataka. Once, after having made love to his young bride for a long time, he fell into a deep sleep in her arms. A thief then entered the house to steal the goods inside. At that time his ass was tethered in the washerman’s courtyard and his dog lay on the floor. 

Are you still confident and imaginative?

Are you still confident and imaginative?

I want to close my day today with a story that Sir Ken Robinson, world renowned creativity expert, is fond of telling. It goes as – An elementary school teacher was giving a drawing class to a group of six-year-old children. At the back of the classroom sat a little girl who normally didn’t pay… Continue reading Are you still confident and imaginative?

Don’t Blame Me – Why do we attribute success to our own skill and ascribe failure to other factors?

Don’t Blame Me – Why do we attribute success to our own skill and ascribe failure to other factors?

This morning I was having coffee with a sales professional from a leading MNC Pharmaceuticals firm who is looking out for opportunities outside his firm. On deeper probing, why he wishes to quit, he suggested that last year he was rated as the best performer in the zone and that he is simply the best… Continue reading Don’t Blame Me – Why do we attribute success to our own skill and ascribe failure to other factors?

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